Something I have been thinking about lately is this. As I move along in my walk with God, I find my prayers mainly kevin centered. Is that wrong? No and yes. No it isn't wrong to pray for yourselves because of Matthew 6:11-13. This passage is where Christ is preaching and begins explaing how to pray. Verse 11-13 say, "Give us this our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we have also forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptaion, but deliver us from evil." (ESV) This outline of how to pray includes pray for yourself.
But, notice where praying for yourself is in this outline of how to pray. It is the end of the prayer. The first part of this prayer outline is thanking God, praying for people to get saved (or His kingdom), and His will. Matthew 6:9-10, "Pray then like this: "Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven." (ESV) I am not sure about when you pray if you are like me, but when I pray, I find my self saying something like this, "Dear Father, I am needin' this....I want this...I am confused about this...I want to do this really bad, help...I..I..I...I...I...I, etc." Now as I stated before, praying for yourself, your needs mainly, is not wrong. But when you prayers start, include, and end with requests for yourself, there is a problem.
So with that, I challenge you to do something that I do from time to time when I notice my prayers becoming "I prayers", as I call them(as of like 2 seconds ago, pretty clever ehh? thanks, I know). Do this: make a list(actually get a pen and paper, or pencil, or lapiz if you are spanish), and write a list of 10 things you are thankful to God for. This will allow you to have a prayer of thanksgiving. Then make a list of 5 brothers and sisters in Christ that you normally would not pray for. This will allow you to pray for others instead of yourself. Then hit your knees! Just try it, and do it as often as need be. I honestly need to do this daily.
Prayer...minus you.
Right on my bro.
yo yo man... if it isn't kevin naylor! good stuff brotha man. keep it comin'. i am definitely impressed.
thanks for the comment & the linkdiggity.
how'd you find my blog anyway?
you graduating this year?
thanks breh! just got some stuff up in my brain, gotta get it out when i got time you know? lets see, i found your blog when i went to face book one time and saw your status, then the next time, and the next, then the next. hahaha just messin! naw i aint gradiatin yet, will be senior next year. and you know i am linking you cuz u dah stuff!
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