Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Dosent matter if you smell like smoke, booze, or w/e

Yo, well I just feel like this is something a lot of people might be thinking these days..."I am too bad for God. I want to know Him, but man when I screw up I screw up bad. I feel like I need to clean myself of my sins before I can come to God."Well there is some awsome news, and if you already know this props to ya, but if you dont, here it is...

Jesus Christ makes it explicitly clear that He does the cleaning of your sins. There is no "pre-bathing" needed to come fully to Him. "You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly." Rom. 5:6. Without Christs blood we are ungodly, but that is who He came to save, the ungodly. Not the person who is already clean,(because that person dosent exist, 1 Jn. 1:10), He came to save the person wrapped up in the mud of sin and cant see their way out. That was me, and might be you brah/sista!

Read Matt. 9:12-13

Now read Rom 10:9-13...Basically it says to get saved and be regenerated confess w/ ur mouth and believe in your heart. Never says anything about cleaning yourself, He does that for you and I! In vs. 13 it says that whoever calls on Him will be saved! Thats all you gotta do, call on Him, not just mumbling a little prayer,but understanding and confessing your sin and realizing that your sin makes God mad. Our sin made Him mad enough to kill His own son. Because He knew it was best for us, and would give Him the most glory. That is Love!

Read Rom. 8:1-2

Lastly, it dosent matter if you smell like smoke, booze, or w/e. If your stuck in the nastiness of this world, He will take you as you are. He will clean you from the inside out. Thats the Gospel of Christ.

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