Nope, I am definetely not John Wesley, just kevin. But I am gettin to do what Wesley did. Preach brotha!!(or sister) This will be my second time gettin to do this! It is something I never thought I would get to do, but God is allowing me to do. (Now i am not trying to "toot" my own horn, first because toot is a weird word, second if i wanted to toot my horn i w

ould go tell it on the corner of trade and tryon were people are, not on this readerless blog!! : )) P Shim (my youth pastor Frank Shimkus), is outta town and he is lettin me have the pulpit tomorrow. I just dont feel worthy of this, but i am siked He is letting me do what is foolishness to the rest of the world!! AMEN??
(I Cor. 1:21) On your right, and my right, is a nice picture of John Wesley for your veiwing pleasures.
how did it go man?
went good bro! really good! def sick!
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