Sunday, July 6, 2008


First I gotta say my sorrys for not posting anything lately. Since school let out in late May, I have been all over the US. First gone on a missions trip with Northside Baptist Church to Marble, Colorado. To sum that trip up in three words I would say: Crazy Old Man. The founder of the camp is up there in the years, but he is fearless. Absolutely fearless, I mean as fearless as a Naked Mole Rat that didn't budge while stareing at a 457lb. Anaconda. Then I was off to California with my wonderful girlfriend Jenny Miner, for a little vacation.

So that has been my life apart from blogging. Now I wanna read your mind. You are wondering why in tarnation is the title of this blog, "Matthew". Well, actually I am not sure. Just thought that "Matthew" would get you thinking. You know, like a buzz word. A buzz word is something that gets your attention, such as: naked, obese, death, viral, diversity, proactive, green, and others.

Ok the word "Matthew" is not a buzz word. The reason this blog is titled "Matthew" is because over the next few weeks I will be posting thoughts, take aways, applications, things I never knew, and just cool things God shows me as I am reading through Matthew chapter 22 through 28. So be looking for those posts.


Chuck said...

Looking forward to reading them. Perhaps we will see you all sometime soon so we can hear about all these trips.

Kelvin said...

sounds good man!