Saturday, November 29, 2008


I tell you what, I have just been lacking. Lacking in a lot of areas. Blogging, thinking, prayer, loving, like I said, a lot of things.

Blogging- My utmost apologies for letting Kelvins Kranium go to the wayside over the past few months. But be ready for some new material!

Thinking- Today got out of my '94 Dodge Mini Van, nick named "the Green Dumpster" (due to its color) to go to work. Today I locked my keys in my car. Enough said.

Prayer- I am alone on this one? The past weeks and months have just been rough in regards to my prayer life. It just seems lately prayer has been a nusience rather than an readily acted upon opprtunity. Seems like I just cant stay on my knees, thus life becomes complicated and restless.

Loving- I may be alone on this one. If I could sum up the past few months of a recurring thought that runs through my head and heart would be, "Kevin, you're not loving enough!" I have been lacking in the area of loving others, and rather growing with a love for me. God has challenged me with this thought though, As a follower of Christ there is NO limit to how much I can love.

Hope yenz are one forty seventh as excited about getting this blog up and running as I am.

(Feel free to browse old posts, and add new comments).

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