Have you ever heard this prayed "Lord I pray a hedge of proctection around this person." A hedge? Lets see what the official, Dictionary.com, definition is...and i quote...a row of bushes or small trees planted close together, esp. when forming a fence or boundary." ....? Ok, lets use our analytical brain powers and figure this one out.
First, I can see the whole boundary thing, but thats about it. But other than that, this doesnt make beans from shiolah(as my mother would say instead of the word sense), and I think people dont really mean anything when they pray for a hedge of protection. I mean, if I want protection, I certainly dont want some small bushes or trees.
Imagine this, someone is snooping around your house at night, and you have a suspicious feeling that they are going to rob you. Then you get another good look at them through your nice big extravagant picture window, and you see he has a ak 47. Then you shout out to your brother in the house, "Hey, there is some holagin outside with a gun!!! I need something to defend myself with, get me that plant! Not just any old piece of foliage, I will need a hedge..." Honestly I dont want a hedge to protect me. I want like a 3 foot thick balistics tested bullet proof kevlar. Then a nice piece of rugged burlap, two sheets of impregnable metal, and a space suit from Apollo 11. That is the kind of protection I want.

I do see the idea behind a hedge, but it just strikes me odd. I mean read Eph. 6:10-17. The stuff described there is pretty intense. I mean we are going into full out war every day. So dont forget your hedges...i guess. Just a thought, What do you all think? .....(this post is affectionately colored green)